How to save electricity in the home or in an apartment? Probably not those who thought about it. Because there is no sense to pay for electricity, if it ain't gettin ' any more wealth in return.
Let's also not forget that for the current period is a typical trend to increase tariffs for utility payments. If yes, then why not think about how to save money from the family budget. The more that this increases the cost of services for the supply of electricity, which is growing every day.
Let's also not forget about the fact that conserve natural resources also need to protect the environment. If we're all going to spend a lot of electricity, it is the ecological system on the planet is not able to load.
Public opinion polls have shown that in european countries people want to preserve nature in its original form. There each of us individually need to independently develop a plan of action. And then the receipts for payment are significantly smaller amounts.
IMPORTANT! Must follow their example. Usually have a simple, but very effective methods, which allow you to significantly save electricity. If you try to these regulations on energy saving, then it is possible to optimize the cost of the payments.
Device for saving electrical energy

If you use the special tools that are sold in stores and in retail stores in the global network, then can several times reduce the cost of the payment for the supply of electricity.
Modern technology is so quickly evolving, that today there are already devices that allow to obtain good energy savings. These wonders of technology have created specially for it, to reduce utility payments. Through these devices can achieve energy savings in 8-10 times.
This is one of the most effective measures, which allow to achieve reduction in the cost of electricity. Bulbs of this type set place of standard incandescent light bulbs, which is a common plinth. Should be emphasized that the purchase of energy saving light bulbs more expensive to purchase the bulbs standard. However, the financial means to pay off quickly. Just for 1-2 months.
The most effective view of energy saving light bulbs are LED (leds) or fluorescent lamps. Are compared with conventional bulbs on average 5-6 times less than it consumes electricity. Also note that these bulbs have great light output. In result, providing significant energy savings
There is a big reason to do the replacement of lamps in all areas. If immediately is impossible, then it is necessary to carry out the exchange of consistent. You should start with the area in which you most spend time.

The task of these devices is to save electricity and to convert reactive power into active. As a result, reduces the consumption of electric current from the nominal indicators about 40-50 percent.
Energy-saving equipment, if it is rationally applied, they give the possibility to avoid the power losses that occur in the network. It is also referred to as sensors for saving energy.
Suppliers of these devices promise, that the device provides the ability to reduce costs. At least 30 percent. However, this indicator it is possible to achieve only when the correct use of the device.
Use the device to save electricity is easy. You just need to connect it to the outlet and the nearest counter. Then the unit covers the whole network in the house.
According to the producers, electricity costs are reduced:
1. Tv, stove, heating, stove – at 45 percent;
2. Fridge – to 40 percent;
3. Electric kettle, toaster, tea – at 30 percent.
Their purpose in order to turn on or turn off lighting in any interior design to the software mode. The essence of their work is to program the switching off the lights for a certain period of time.
Usually, the response time on the device sets the enterprise-manufacturer. And on average, this share amounts to 15-20 seconds.
IMPORTANT! The circuit breaker is triggered, because there is a built-in equipment special motion sensor. Note that often these devices have microphones. And are included from any specific sound. It is also possible to set up a twilight switch, which react as soon as it becomes dark.
The sensor responds as soon as the slightest sound or movement, coupled with the fluctuation and noise. When the device is located the program, and it is clearly set up, then switch automatic to can reduce the consumption of electric energy in the room in which it formed. And this in average by 25-30 percent less!
Appliances that saves electricity in private house

Energy savings in a private house give you extra soup. About the most common types we will now tell.
The people from whom it is acute problem of energy savings in a private house, first of all, think about how to insulate the space. And in this case, solar panels may become a sort of wand-wand.
Today, each of us, there is nothing to prevent, collect and use an independent source of electrical energy, which works on solar energy. If to call things on the scientific, then this is the photovoltaic panel.
The composition of solar panels, set solar elements, then there are photovoltaic cells. It is directly concerned with the transformation of solar energy into electricity. The lion's share of solar cells produced from silicon, and that, as is well known, it is worth the expensive.
Set as draft, will have to pay. However, the purchase of, as they say, it pays off a hundredfold. And fast enough. Sorry for such a device is expensive, however, there comes a time when you'll receive good compensation, because you have free electricity. To all the stress that solar batteries are environmentally clean source of energy.
In that house, in which they have a boiler for heating water or for space heating, it is possible to achieve electricity savings using the thermostat. The amount of savings may be different. It depends on what kind of water heater installed in the house.
IMPORTANT! In any case, the thermostat is good as it can be set to function for choice temperature. And then at this temperature the device will be turned off. Get back all the money spent on the purchase of appliances, they usually manage to for a few heating seasons. They have a presentable appearance. They are compact. Fits into any interiors.
How to save electricity in private house

In a private house spaces and equipment that consume electrical energy, is many. Their more than in an apartment. How to achieve the savings in this case? It is not so difficult as it seems initially. I assure that everyone has the opportunity to effortlessly make a smaller amount you gave for payment.
Below are the rules, which is need to stick to.
If possible, care about the institution of the country to do it manually. Cultivators for tilling the soil, of course, you can use. But just in case, if suddenly accumulated a lot of work. It is always a good opportunity to achieve savings of a certain amount of funds.
Heating equipment, types of boilers and boilers, should be installed near the sources of the filing of the sources. This means that it is better if the water heater is located directly at the valves, the boilers, in the vicinity of the source, the implementation of the gas supply.
If you need to buy a light for lighting the back yard, then choose the ones that work on the solar panels. Will be a significant saving of the family budget.
To save electricity, it is necessary to check the quality of the wiring in a private house. Because the space is wide enough, then not at all rule out the leakage of energy through the line, which is bad.
General recommendations for energy savings

Immediately it should be emphasized that it is possible to achieve a substantial reduction in the consumption of electricity, if the proper use of the appliance. In the separate account are devices such as personal computers, refrigerators, washing machines, electric stoves, for which there is high energy consumption.
You can significantly save on electricity, if you purchase the technique with classes of power consumption a, a+, A++ and a+++. Note that the savings could reach an average of 25 to 35 percent of the total amount of electricity consumption, but it depends on what model of appliance you have selected, and also from who is the manufacturer.
Always check whether the appliance into the wall socket. If they are connected but then will not work, then it leads to unnecessary energy consumption. Remember, even coffee, if you stayed connected to the source of supply of electricity, increases the kw, which consumes.
If you are not working on your computer or on the laptop, then disconnect the device. Remember, that even in sleep mode a device which senses electrical energy source. In addition, with high speed. Studies have shown that just a per month payment for electricity becomes below. By about 15 percent.
Laundry and clothes come on only when the machine is loaded in full. While it is very important to choose the best optimal program. Then you will turn out, and laundry to wash, and the cost of electricity reduce. Since the soaking and washing at a high temperature requires a lot of energy. In particular, to heat up the water.
Refrigerator – one of the most powerful equipment in the kitchen between all household kitchen appliances. And that's why most consumes electricity. And because iron requires a special relationship. His need to be opened only as needed. After all, when you open the fridge, then it is for cooling takes electrical energy at least about 5 percent more.
IMPORTANT! Remember and it is the rule. If you cook food in a microwave oven, then always spend less resources than if you cook its the same in brass closet electric stoves.
So, you pay for light! Work with me such a habit, and you will see the savings immediately.
If you isolate the space of the apartment, then it is possible to save a substantial amount of funds, because it will not be necessary to penetrate into the body of the device.
Correctly use the charger. In this case you definitely will reduced the total energy consumption in the apartment or house. On average, about three to five percent. Methods of saving electricity with the charger implements a simple. It all boils down to how reasonable it is to use. For example, when a device is fully charged, then you need to, without wasting time, unplug it from the electrical network.
Each of the above methods can lend. Select what you like.